Bella Grewal


player background
Personal profile
Champs locationCanada
Champs locationAugust 26, 2006
Champs locationHeight: 5' 4
Champs locationWeight: 110 lbs
Student profile
Champs locationHigh School Graduation: 2024
Champs locationIntended Major: BA
Athletic profile
Champs locationCurrent Team: Surrey Falcons A1 Surrey Falcons
Champs locationLevel: U18 Girls A
Champs locationJersey: #1
Additional profile
Champs locationCitizenship: Canada
Champs locationLanguages: English, Other
Champs locationHobbies & Interests: I have made Team BC for Ball Hockey for the last two years and finished with Silver in the Nationals


Sep 2023 - Present
Surrey Falcons A1 Surrey Falcons - U18 Girls A - Surrey BC - U18 Girls, A, Surrey BC
Player - Goalie- Jersey: #1
Coach Dawn Grice
  • -made BC Provincials 4 years in a row for ice hockey winning one Gold and 2 silvers
  • -made Team BC for Canadian Ball Hockey Nationals 2 years in a row with 1 silver and 1 Bronze
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