Mark Bolding

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Mark Bolding is a Canadian ice hockey defender. Born and raised in Red Deer, Alberta, Bolding was a standout defenseman during his collegiate playing days at Norwich, serving as the team captain for three of his four seasons. In 2005, Bolding was inducted into the Norwich University Athletic Hall of Fame.
player background
Personal profile
Champs locationRed Deer, AB, Canada
Champs locationApril, 1970
Champs locationHeight: 6' 0
Additional profile
Champs locationCitizenship: Canada


Aug 1991 - May 1995
Norwich Cadets - College Division III - Northfield, VT, USA
Player - Defense
    Aug 1989 - May 1991
    Weyburn Red Wings - Junior Other
    Player - Defense

    Key Stats

      1994 - 1995
      1993 - 1994
      1992 - 1993
      1991 - 1992
      1990 - 1991 584273171
      1989 - 1990 62471167
      1987 - 1988 30000